Monday, June 29, 2009

First Week Updated

As promised, here is the first week of earnings that I have kept track of. I started on eHow on June 1st and this is the week of June 22nd to June 29th.

June 22nd -
Articles Written: 105
Views: 6,967
Earnings in June: 96.34

June 29th
Articles Written: 145
Views: 11, 740
Earnings in June: 169.44

I earned 73.10 in one week on 4,773 article views! If you do the math, I make an average of $.015 for each view. Not too bad! I think I will keep writing for eHow!


  1. Wow, your doing pretty well, and in your first month too...keep it up, I'll be back to check on your updates reguarly.

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